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3-9-09 Spec Mtg
MARCH 9, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, DiNicola, Yochum and Crick Owen
Commission Members absent:  None
Staff present:  Mangold and Samuelson
Staff absent: Reggiano
Public: Scott Coleman, Matthew Bodwell, Art Rowe and Carol Marchetti.


(m/s/c:  DiNicola/Yochum) “Motion to accept the minutes of the November 12, 2008 meeting as amended.”   Item 11 “Other” should be numbered as 16.
(m/s/c:  Yochum/Barczak)  “Motion to accept the minutes of the December 9, 2008 meeting.”
(m/s/c:  Barczak/Yochum)  “Motion to accept the minutes of the January 13, 2009 meeting.”
(m/s/c:   Barczak/DiNicola)  “Motion to accept the minutes of the February 10, 2009 meeting.”


Ø       Carol Marchetti, Manager of Eichler’s Cove Marina, introduced herself to the Commission
Ø        Scott Coleman gave an update on the progress he has been making with organizing people for a Trails Committee. Mr. Coleman will be meeting with Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson and Rob Sibley tomorrow.  There is a pdf download on the Parks and Recreation website.  Mr. Coleman reported that he has started an email distribution list since he has gotten a lot of positive support from the public.  He introduced Matthew Bodwell to the Commission as a Boy Scout who is working on his Eagle Scout project and will be working on a part of the trail to complete his project. Chairman Marks told Mr. Bodwell that he was thrilled that he was going to be working on the trails project.
Ø       Art Rowe from Babe Ruth Baseball requested a batting cage be installed at the Fairfield Hills Baseball field.  Assistant Director Samuelson explained his concerns for the available property (the area is wet).  He explained that a concrete slab could not be poured because it would interfere with the drainage in that area, but that concrete post could be poured.  Assistant Director Samuelson and Mr. Rowe will go to the field and measure the area.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested a more suitable area out past left center field.  Babe Ruth Base ball also asked the Commission if they could purchase 2 bleachers with 3 tiers for the field.  The Commission agreed.  Mr. Rowe will order them and have them delivered and the Parks and Recreation crew will assemble and set up the bleachers.


Ø       A resident sent a letter saying they were happy that there was free swim at the high school.
Ø       An email was received from a resident that was happy the hours for the 9, 10 & 11 year old camp have been extended.
Ø       A letter was sent to First Selectman Borst from O & G who is considering donating money towards a scoreboard for Fairfield Hills.  Director Mangold is awaiting the response from Mr. Borst.  A verbal commitment from Carminuccio’s Pizza to also donate money towards a scoreboard has been received.  Babe Ruth baseball has indicated that if the score board project funding falls short, they would be interested in donating toward the purchase of the scoreboard.


        Fairfield Hills report
Ø       Demolition work is ready to proceed.
Ø       Still waiting on Ames and Whitaker to proceed with the Community Center.
Ø       Newtown Youth Academy parking is making progress.
Ø       Board of Finance under the process of reviewing the budget issues discussed at their last meeting; contributions to the pension fund and union concessions.


Ø       John Reed from the Fairfield Hills Authority has asked that Director Mangold attend their next meeting.  They will be discussing the trails at Fairfield Hills. Mr. Reed, Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson and a representative from Stantec met in February. Stantec will provide the Town with a plan and design for the expansion of the trail network at Fairfield Hills. The Authority would like to turn over the trails to Parks and Recreation. The Fairfield Hill Authority will be paying for the Stantec Plan.  (m/s/c/  Barczak/Yochum)  “The Commission would like Director Mangold to show full support of the Stantec Plan and Design and to accept the Fairfield Hills Trails from the Fairfield Hills Authority.”
Ø       Very good progress has been made after a meeting with Donna Denniston, Principal at Reed School, Gino Faiella, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor, Director Mangold, and Assistant Director Reggiano with regards to using the Reed School.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that Assistant Director Samuelson had contacted TRC to authorize the necessary studies for the Maintenance Garage roof project.  189 samples were taken and the studies are complete, Parks and Recreation should have the results in 3-4 weeks.  Director Mangold will now get the roof plans from the Town Hall project at Fairfield Hills.  Once all information has been received the specs for the bid process will be completed.
Ø       O & G has sent a schematic phase work plan & schedule for the Community Center. Director Mangold was asked to forward the schematic to Marilyn Place, Director for the Senior Center, (c: to Lereine Frampton).


Ø       Parks and Fields report was reviewed.
Ø       The ice skating rink at Dickinson Park is being dismantled.
Ø       The Elm Drive Trail at Dickinson Park is moving along well. Existing drain from tennis courts was tied into drain on the trail.  The money for this was from the grant. No town funds were used. LRM will be done with there part of the trail by the end of March.  Parks & Recreation will then do its planting/seeding.  Trail work should be completed by the end of April.
Ø       Treadwell Park has a lot of construction going on right now – The backstop project will be started this Thursday.
Ø       Tilson Field – Prograss will be starting work tomorrow on the installation of the turf. Work should take 2- 3 weeks depending on the weather. Field should be complete by mid April.
Ø       Middle School softball renovation – this field will be reoriented for safer play. Public works is on board to help with this project.  The existing field will still be operational while work takes place.  Funding for the backstop will come from the Board of Education in exchange for repairs to the field at Hawley that Babe Ruth Softball will pay for.
Ø       The last set of stairs at Treadwell Park will be completed when the backstop work is completed.
Ø       Eichler’s Cove – white sand will be delivered late April or early May.  The light poles have been installed.  Awaiting the arrival of a dock extension.


Ø       The Spring/Summer program guide is all on line. There will be no books printed.  Assistant Director Reggiano ordered 5000 copies of the insert that will be in the Newtown Bee and the Newtown Extra.  These will then be sent home thru the schools.  This is a savings of $4,225.00.
Ø       Most popular program so far has been Flag Football run by Jeff Tolson and Track run by Eileen Fish.
Ø       Ken Good from Newtown Youth Academy wants to discuss policies and procedure regarding the track usage at the facility. This might include an increase in the fee. This meeting will possibly take place next week.


Ø       The tour is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.


Ø       Lighting Project at Fairfield Hills – Hardware is up, waiting on the frost to install component.  This should take place later this week.
Ø       Tilson Turf Field – see above.
Ø       Maintenance Roof – See above
Ø       Community Center – waiting to move forward with architect.

16.  OTHER

Ø       Jack Honan has retired after 34 years on the Parks crew.  The department will be short handed for the foreseeable future – the position will not be filled immediately due to a Town wide hiring freeze. The department has also lost a position that was in the budget.
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson will be send a letter to the Fairfield Hills Authority requesting requirement for signage for the baseball field.  Dogs have been a problem on the field.



Ø       None.

(m/s/c:  Yochum/Barczak) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna Benson